Follows a team of British intelligence agents who serve as a dumping ground department of MI5 due to their career-ending mistakes. Led by their brilliant but irascible leader, the notorious Jackson Lamb.
You never really hear about what happens to the secret service agents that have one big blunder in their careers as a spy. This show examines where they go and what some of them might do to get back on the front lines and redeem themselves. Gary Oldman plays a sleazy broken agent that is quite content with making the lives of his subordinates a living hell while his career peters out. This show from AppleTV reminds me of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, with the pace and mood of the show. It's ironic that Gary Oldman is in both, so he must be drawn to this material. He is a great actor so his presence makes this show worth watching by itself, but the young cast does a great job so far with the story. I will be watching this one for sure. If you like a good spy show let me know what you think.
Ranking 7/10