From time to time it is great to re-watch older movies that I enjoyed. I miss watching TV and seeing a movie starting and trying to figure out what the movie is just by watching the opening few seconds of the movie. It was a game we played, and more often than not, we ended up watching the movie afterward. Here are a few movies I enjoyed again over the weekend.

Worl War Z:
This zombie apocalypse movie was one of the better ones. Bradd Pitt did a great job as a United Nations investigator trying to protect his family and solve what started the zombie takeover. These zombies are not the slow walking kind, they are the crazed sprinting chase you down kind. Well worth a watch, even if you are not into zombie movies. Looking forward to the upcoming sequel.
Need for Speed:
When you just need to shut off your brain and watch a movie that has fast cars and a silly reason to drive them as fast as you can. This one is not going to win any awards, but at the same time, will hold your interest enough, to get to the racing. There is a revenge story point, but it's usually about the cars in these types of movies, and in that way, you will not be disappointed.
The Great Wall:
In this fantasy creature movie, we get to escape reality and watch Matt Damon save China from a horde of creatures that want to take over the world. It's over the top and will have you at some points asking why there are any Americans in this movie at all other than for the star power and to promote this film in America. Once you get by that obvious casting, this one is rather entertaining. The humor is corny and not quite adequate for the time period, but those things are forgotten once the creatures attack, and we watch to see who will survive.